I loved teaching this class. It sort of sucks I have to teach middle schoolers next month.
Me+ middle school kids = no bueno
This was my favorite class thus far. I wish you could make real money teaching in the states because I really enjoy it. If they learned nothing this month, I hope they at least walk away always remembering my favorite word 'ubiquitous' (in actuality my favorite word is coalesce but it never came up during the lecture, sadly).
They weren't the most participatory kids but they were all good kids. It's amazing how you can learn someone's personality in 19 days.
It made me nostalgic for high school days. It was really heart warming to see them on the first day and to see how far they have come in the end. They were so quiet and awkward the first day and now they seem sort of close. Even the cool older kids are nice to the younger kids and it was so cute as a jaded adult to watch them get to know each other. It also was so rewarding after explaining to them what 'meticulous' means 3 days in a row to hear them get it on their own.
Yes, there were frustrating times because they are after all teenagers, but all in all it was fun to teach them. I will miss some of them saying 'teachuh too much homework'.
I had to crop this picture because the kids expression is too funny. I might need to make it my profile picture.
What I have learned is that kids go crazy for gum, candy, Dunkin Donuts, TGI Fridays but not dduk. I learned this after buying dduk for the class thinking it would be nice and them being underwhelmed to say the least. American culture ruins everything.

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