Being outside the States for Thanksgiving is the worst. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by far.
When Halloween rolled around I barely missed it. I didn't even have a desire to go to a Halloween party in Seoul even though there were a ton. Partially because it is not as fun in Seoul and partially because I didn't want to walk home looking like an asshole in a Halloween costume late night when no one else is dressed up.
Thanksgiving though makes me heart pine for the states. I wouldn't even have a normal Thanksgiving even if I was in NY being that my folks live in Cali so I wouldn't even have been with them and the aunt that always cooks for my extended family is in Seoul right now. But I still wish I was still there being with loved ones.
Yesterday I had an extreme craving for the turkey and all the works and called 5 different restaurants in Itaewon to ensure I wouldn't miss Thanksgiving in its entirety. Mission accomplished, Sunday I will be eating a 3 course meal (which really isn't sufficient because real Thanksgiving is all day eating) with my old roomie Yona. I know I wont be satiated unless they serve me 15 sides which I already know they won't. So yeah poor man's Thanksgiving on Sunday for me.
The boyfriend says "well you know the food is only half of Thanksgiving right? It's about being with family and friends, so you still won't have a real Thanksgiving."
Um yeah, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Excuse me while I go cry in the bathroom.
LOL @ peter's comment :(