So this maybe TMI but whatever I have a blog that's what it is for. Here is a fun fact about myself: whenever I am super tired I get canker my mouth. I know this is disgusting and I am a filthy filthy. Korea kids always get nosebleeds from being overworked (total truth by the way, there are always 2 kids in each one of my classes who have to leave class because they start rupturing blood from their orifices randomly). I get canker sores.
This condition has improved the older I get, it now only happens once a year. However, when I was younger I has a miserable childhood because it was a chronic condition. When I was 8, my pediatrician insisted I get tested for herpes because it was the only explanation for this. How I would get herpes as an 8 year old I have no idea. The bad news was there was no medical explanation, the good news was I didn't have herpes.
My body has been actively protesting against my constant drinking in Seoul. This is evident by the fact that it subconsciously stuck my finger into a fan. Has given me the flu. Opened up multiple canker sores in my mouth. Now I want to stab myself in the face to distract from the pain everywhere.
This is one of multiple weird things about my body.
I snore like a 50 year old diabetic man and my nose surgery has only slightly improved this
I have a random bone that juts out of my right wrist that comes and goes as it pleases
Also, I look like this:

but sound like this:

best post yet