So as everyone has heard, a man has come forward to Gawker and announced that he had a one night stand with Christine O'Donnell
Read the Story here
Ok so clearly this guy is a douche and a raging tool.
A douche because any person (Tiger Wood's numerous hoes, David Arquette, Jesse' James' Nazi girlfriend etc) who would name drop who they have slept with publicly is a certifiable douchebag.
A raging tool because he says, "When her underwear came off, I immediately noticed that the waxing trend had completely passed her by. Obviously, that was a big turnoff, and I quickly lost interest." A) You are describing a woman's public hair B)Women have public hair naturally FYI
As much as this guy is a slime for coming out with this story either true or untrue, I can't take Christine O'Donnell's side either.
O'Donnell's response was "This story is just another example of the sexism and slander that female candidates are forced to deal with....It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O'Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere."
Bitch please!! I dislike when women play the women card to get sympathy. I agree that a woman's good name can be ruined by a guy claiming she is a slut however don't pretend male politicians are somehow immune.
Sex and politics have gone together hand in hand since the beginning of time. And yes, she is single so it is not as much of the public's interest as say Bill Clinton or Eliot Spitzer who both had commitments to people. The reason why it IS relevant to the public is that she has a holier than thou attitude which makes this supposed one night stand relevant.
She has described herself as chaste, anti-masturbation, pro-abstinence-only sex ed, anti-condoms and anti-porn. If you bring sex into the political debate and think you can legislate people's sex lives by being pro abstinence and anti abortion then your sexual history is fair game.
Her wiki states:
"She dropped her acting aspirations, began thinking about moral issues, and became an evangelical Christian, liking the moral certainty of that religion. She chose to live a chaste life, began espousing sexual abstinence, and joined the College Republicans.
O'Donnell has been described as a former Catholic turned evangelical Christian."
If you tell other people how to live their sex lives in a chaste manner and you are in fact not so chaste, then yes it i in the public's interest.
It is when people act high and mighty that the public loves to hear about their indiscretions.
Men are not immune:
Mark Foley:
Foremost opponent of child pornography--->sent sexual IMs to teenage boys
Ted Haggard
preached homosexual is an abomination--->did meth with male prostitutes
Eliot Spitzer:
Fought prostitution---> turns out he loved them hos
Larry Craig
voted against gay marriage---> tried to get a BJ from an undercover cop in a bathroom
Now we can add Christine O'Donnell
advocated abstinence---> huge slut just like the rest of us
While I do not put one-night stands in the same rank of smoking meth with prostitutes, hypocrisy is hypocrisy no?
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