So I love weddings. I already know the color theme, wedding dress, venue, song list, walk in song, DJ, wedding band that I want for my wedding. Seriously, I kid you not (I have all these bookmarked in my browser). What can I say? Deep inside I am a girly girl and I like Disney movies.
Recently however, I have started to think about buying property before I turn 30. This is a goal of mine, but to buy a condo in Brooklyn you should have 15% of the price to put down which equates to at least $35K. I do not have $35K yet.

The average wedding in NYC costs $60K. I do not have $60K either.
So I have come to the crossroad in my life where I have to choose between an extravagant wedding or a modest home.
What's the good in having a nice wedding but living in a rented apartment right after?
So I decided I am going for what people call a 'casual' wedding. I will probably be baking my own wedding cake and making party favors and learning calligraphy for the invites. I should enroll in a flower arranging class when I get back. Be prepared for homemade wedding favors and a buffet cooked by my mother :-D
If my mother doesn't want to cook, White Castle can always do the catering.

Hopefully, I will still be able to afford a full dress unlike this woman:

Other NYC Apartments with Libraries
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