Wednesday 19 January 2011

Proud Korean

This makes me feel so blessed to be Korean.

The good news is:
"A survey that Min conducted in 1992 found Korean merchants far more likely than blacks or whites to agree strongly that “in this country, anyone, regardless of race, sex, or national origin, can make it if he or she works hard.”"

I totes believe in the American dream.

The horrible news is:
In 1992, Min found that 61 percent of Korean merchants in black neighborhoods believed that “black people are generally less intelligent than white people,” while nearly 70 percent believed that “black people are more criminally oriented than white people.”

Ouch. I totes don't believe that but I will say this is a survey of people who work in the hood. I'm not racist but I am socio-economically biased. Whether it's West Virginia whites or hood cats, poor people are scary (unless they are first generation immigrants, bc most first generation immigrants are sort of poor at first). I am going to hell, I know.


  1. i'm actually taking a class with kyeyoung park this quarter :)

  2. you fancy huh? Can I be your TA when you become a professor?
