Monday 21 February 2011

Sounds about right

I saw this profile on NYU in Business week.

This is how NYU students rank NYU with my comments.

B+ Academics
A- Local Atmosphere How is local atmosphere an A-??? It's located in the best city in the world. Living in NYC today is like living in Rome during the roman empire, or Athens when the Greeks were all the rage, or Constantinople during the Ottoman empire. Except the US is not like the roman, greek, or the ottoman empires because the US kind of sucks now. But you get what I mean. Um it should be an A+.
B- Safety and Security
C- Computers
C- Facilities
C+ Campus dining Only freshman eat on campus, so this is irrelevant.
B+ Diversity
B- Guys hahahaha this sounds about right, the girls were def cuter than the guys.
A- Girls
D Athletics
A+ Nightlife
D Greek Life This should be an F, who joins a frat at NYU? No offense, Dan and Winston. :-D
C- Drug Scene really? I must have hung out with a bad crowd.
C+ Campus Strictness
F Parking
A+ Transportation Duh
B- Weather

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