Tuesday 7 September 2010

It is Confirmed I will not be a Lifer here

Just booked my flight back to NY at the end of February!

I am already salivating anticipating Roberta's Pizza, toasted sesame bagel with cream cheese from David's Bagels, whisky from Larry Lawrence, fried pierogies from Veselka, a slice of pizza from anywhere, and cheese plates that don't cost an arm and a leg.

I want brunch every weekend day for a month when I get back so clear your brunch calendars for me, thanks.

MMM cheese

Pierogies without neccessary apple sauce pictured:

MMMM Pizza

MMM more pizza, specifically Roberta's hawaiian


  1. hey love! i won't be able to visit (the boys visiting you will have to do for now) but when you're back - brunch every weekend! i'm there!! miss you!

  2. yayy brunch :-) miss you hope you and ernie are good!
