Thursday 2 December 2010

Facebook isn't fun anymore

Facebook isn't fun because I've blocked about 70% of my 'friends' on my newsfeed.

I will block you for the following reasons:
-You kid is your profile picture. If you are holding your kid this is fine. If it is just your kid, whack.
-You status about what you are doing. No one cares what you are doing at the moment. Really. Get a twitter account if you do think they do.
-You link your twitter to your FB and proceed to twitter 5 times a day. Keep it to twitter.
-You talk about politics or religion in an annoying way. This goes for people on both ends of the political spectrum.
-You post pictures of your new shopping purchases (unless it's really cool or really fierce, then it's ok). Get a life.
-You post things about the weather. This is considered small talk. This isn't fun in real life let alone on FB.
-You shamelessly self promote everything you are doing in your professional life. No one cares.
-You refer to yourself third person. Unacceptable in person, on FB, on email, in letters. Don't do this.
-You post pictures of the everyday food you ate or made. This doesn't mean I dislike food pictures, I actually love food pictures. If you made duck confit, worth showing. If you made cupcakes, not worth showing. If you are at the hot new restaurant please do show. If you ate at a chinese buffet, again, no one cares. Anything with bacon is acceptable.

This has eliminated about 70% on my feed so now FB isn't fun anymore. Plus my good friends aren't as lame as to status all the time. So this leaves me with no one on my feed basically.

I need to ween myself off FB now that i've cut out perez. Let's see how this goes.

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