Thursday 2 December 2010

Ode to My Korean Boyfriend

My Korean BF is not coming in December.

Dearest Brian, I will miss:
-drinking soju outside Gangnam station exit #7 in front of Smoothie King
-going to Apgujeong, Cafe Mu in Itaewon, W Hotel bar in Walker Hill, and NB in Gangnam in ONE night
-ending the night with shooting games and giving away the one prize to the 7-11 guy
-ordering soondae at the pojangmacha and then getting really pissed bc it's gross
- endless jokes about our coworkers (you know gurl)
- ignoring white people that we blatantly work with when you see them at NB/the street/anywhere because you have uncanny 'block caucasian' vision
-$15 coffees
-people watching at coffeesmith
-being tour guides
-booby boobying
-Louis snaps

Love ya bitch.

1 comment:

  1. :(. too many memories. promise me that february/march will be glorious. i totally forgot you took a photo of me with that mask. i might have to use it for my profile photo.
